Thursday 24 April 2014

Novel Fashion

Fashion is becoming increasingly daring and bolder than ever. Now some things I can definitely get on board with...I LOVE color blocking, even mixing and matching patterns and textures. I saw a trend recently though, the book clutch, and I can't seem to get behind it. For those of you who are unaware of what a book clutch is, it is a clutch that looks like various novels. The first time I saw it I had to 'bust' out laughing. I mean...what is its purpose? Yes I know that we ladies sometimes carry bags (mostly clutches) that are less funtional than they are fashionable, seeing as they can only hold your chapstick and some vex money, but the book clutch is a tad bit on the unecesary side of life. How would you decide what to wear it with? What goes with Lolita? or Pride and Prejudice? or even Cat in the Hat??? So many confusing and unanswered questions. For the ladies who choose to rock the book clutch, more power to you...but please read the book before you wear it...its the least you can do.

Would you rock a book clutch?

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